Saturday, March 20, 2010

Time Is Our Most Precious Commodity

Given the choice, would you rather save time or money? Most people focus on dollars. But how you spend your time is much more important than how you spend your money. Money mistakes can often be corrected., but when you lose time, it's gone forever.

Your priorities determine how you will spend your time, and time is precious. The following statements may help you put time in perspective:

To know the value of one year... ask the student who failed the final exam.

To know the value of one month... ask the mother of a premature baby.

To know the value of one week... ask the editor of a weekly newsmagazine.

To know the value of one day... ask the wage earner who has six children.

To know the value of one hour... ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To know the value of one minute... ask the person who missed the plane.

To know the value of one second... ask the person who survived the accident.

To know the value of one millisecond... ask the Olympic silver medalist.

Your time is Priceless! Spend it wisely. - John C. Maxwell

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