Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Selecting A Marketing Plan

By David Cones
A lot of times we get caught up in asking ourselves, “What are other people doing out there that might be better than what I am doing?”
We work a little while on one project for a few weeks, and when we don’t see the instantaneous results we think we deserve, we are on to the next thing that will suck money out of our business, and then the next, and the next …
If you truly want to succeed at anything, you have to master one thing really well.
Look at professional football. How many players are good at all the positions? Actually none. The ones that get paid very well are good at one position. Even when they move from team to team, they play the same position.
Now what about you?
What position do you want to play and get very good at playing?
This comes down to selecting a marketing plan and following it without distraction. It is so easy on the Internet to get sucked into so many ways to market that you will soon find out you don’t have enough time in the day or money in your bank account to properly test it and find out if it actually works.
What you don’t know is that many times the majority of people promoting the concepts haven’t even used the system they promote. They just got a complimentary copy to review and send out to their lists.
So where do you want to end up at the end of the day - attempting to play the field and hoping you win the lottery or focusing in on one thing that works well and becoming a highly paid professional in your industry?
It is a simple choice to make.
The first one leaves you without much chance of success and the second one leads you to reaching your dreams. I want to encourage everyone to stay the course, pick one thing and do it well.
I love the marketing method I now use because I hate and now refuse to make cold calls to anyone unless they have come through a web page and responded to my own advertisements.
While the bright shiny objects are cool to look at, I guarantee they won’t pay the bills.
I am glad to read about the fellow who recently achieved his Diamond position. He didn’t get distracted. He just chose to follow a path that has worked.
Select your path and stay with it.
Drop out of as many email subscriptions as possible. You will be amazed at the time savings you will have when you do it!
Onward & Upward,Dave Cones
Thanks for the timely reminder, Dave!
To see part of the marketing system that Dave uses, click here.

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