Monday, July 6, 2009

MLM Success Team Builder Two Minute Story Continued

The next line of your two minute story gets the prospect dreaming.
"If you never had to work again would that be okay with you?"
Wait for their answer. Most people will respond, "Sure, as long as I get a paycheck." Some have said, " I wouldn't know what to do with my time if I didn't work." These types either have had their dreams shattered at some point or really don't believe it's possible at this point. That's okay though. Their dreams can be revived. You're only really looking for the volunteers at this time anyway.
The two minute story is an effective and efficient way to look for these volunteers. You can tell it anytime and anywhere making it a great offline business building tool. Make sure you have a business card to hand out after the story. It'll come in handy when the timing is right for your future prospect. Telling this story daily can really over time increase your level in your business.
To have a two minute story written for your business or to learn moretips and techniques,Visit: I'd be happy to help you.

1 comment:

  1. Informative post,

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