Thursday, July 16, 2009

Visualization of, and Belief in Attainment of Desire

My future is a blank canvas. It has not happened yet. The possibilities are endless. My future will be whatever I decide to make it.

The past occurrences in my life have no place to resideon this brand new canvas. They are gone, done, kaput. Even the most recent activities of yesterday, what I did,what I didn't do, do not get to add color to my canvas.

I am picturing myself standing on the beach, at the edgeof the ocean. I take my past ~ the failures, the fears,the negative emotions, and toss them into the waves. WHOOSH! They're gone. How liberating!

My future, my blank canvas, is before me. I am excited to know that I get to add color and design to this masterpiece of my life. With enthusiasm, I will focuson the eight positive emotions, to bring my desires into reality.

I expect the very best! I will focus my thoughts andactions on attaining my desires.
When I color my thoughts with the powerful positive emotions they will vibrate with an accelerated intensity and penetrate my subconscious mind. My subconscious mind will respondand act to translate my thoughts into their physical and monetary equivalents and communicate with Infinite Intelligence.

But first I must convince my subconscious mind that I BELIEVE that I will receive all that I am asking of the universe. I will strengthen my Faith, my Belief, by using auto-suggestion to program my subconscious mind. Because my subconscious mine does not differentiate between positive and negative messages, I must be ever diligent to focus ALWAYS on positive thoughts.

Additionally, it is crucial that I believe in myself and that I am worthy of my desires. I will use Dr. Hill's formula for developing and strengthening Self-Confidence. I will define and know my Definite Purpose in life and that I will achieve it by taking the necessary actionsto bring it into being.

I will concentrate 30 minutes a day on the positiveimage of the person I want to be - filling my mind with positive affirming thoughts. I haven't been doing this, so I will start today.
I will follow the remaining steps as outlined in this chapter of filling my subconscious mind with positive thoughts through writing, memorization, and repetition until they become entrenched with belief. This Faith will then be transmitted to Infinite Intelligence through the spiritual medium of prayer. Through my faith in the power of prayer, I believe that Infinite Intelligence will act upon my thought vibrations and bring my "miracle" into being.

My future is bright. My canvas is blank. I lookforward with great anticipation to the Masterpiece that I, through action and Faith in Infinite Intelligence, will create.

Lesson learned from the Wednesday "Mental Cleanse" with Mentoring For Free

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