Friday, April 30, 2010

Let The System Do The Grunt Work

Remember when you first heard, "Sales is a numbers game." Somebody said that to you because you had called 25 people with absolutely no success. What they meant was, "Keep on swinging. Eventually you'll hit one." Unfortunately, they did not have your best interest in mind. They wanted to keep you around a few more weeks before you gave up and they had to train another unknowing suspect.

With this thinking, if you want to make one sale, you've got to make 100 calls. Two sales, 200 calls. The problem with that is if you want to make 10 sales, you've got to make 1000 calls. Who has time to make that many calls? Can you see how this approach can limit you?

I believe in working smarter, not harder. Instead of grunt work, which is what cold prospecting is, wouldn't you rather spend your time talking with qualified prospects that need you and want you to call them?

Why on earth would you willingly spend your time searching under rocks for those people, and then begging them for a few minutes on the phone?

Would you rather be able to follow up with a prospect who has already contacted you and get most of them to spend time with you on the phone?

If you are tired of playing the numbers game and are ready to travel a road less traveled, then this FREE E-book will show you the path.

To discover how you won't have to deal with the numbers,

Go To: http://JohnClay.TV

To Your Success,

John Clay
Mentoring For Free
262-514-3338 Anytime

PS: Being rejected 99 out of 100 times can have an impact on any one. The question is how many times can you handle rejection? Most people will do anything to avoid it. If you are ready to deal with prospects who are waiting for you to assist them, then get your FREE Copy Here: http://JohnClay.TV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When you request a free copy of Success In 10 Steps, you indicate you are serious about learning the secret to making a great extra paycheck from home or taking your business to the next level.

Friday, April 23, 2010

10 Questions - Do You Have What It Takes To Be Successful?

I think I have been asked at least 5,000 times what it really takes to be successful in business or your career, so I jotted down 10 questions you can use to gauge whether you already have what it takes, or if you need to do a little “work” to get there.

Many years ago I heard Jim Rohn say that you either pay the price of discipline or the price of regret. Discipline weighs ounces…regret weighs tons!

With that said, here are 10 questions to ask yourself:
1. Are you disciplined?
2. Do you take rejection personally? What about criticism?
3. Do you bounce back quickly from making errors or failing over and over again?
4. Are you a planner or do you do things by the seat of your pants?
5. Are you prepared to take risks? Moderate or Big?
6. Do you stay focused on one thing and one thing only until the result you want is achieved?
7. Do you have the stamina to keep going long after everyone else is tired?
8. Can you delegate well, or are you the only one who can do things right?
9. Do you wait for things to happen or do you aggressively go after what you want?
10. Do you do whatever it takes to achieve your goals or just what’s convenient?

These questions are critical for you to ask yourself in order to get a true picture of your nature and behavior. What I have found is that successful people are aware of the consequences of not being efficient in these areas, and find other ways, resources or people to manage for them. Good Luck! By John Assaraf

For The Skills To Help You Succeed, Read Your Free Success Book

Friday, April 16, 2010

I am shy. How can I change and learn how to overcome my fear of talking to people or selling to strangers?

By : Tom "Big Al" Schreiter -

Do you ever notice that the successful network marketers have a positive personality type?

Does the positive attitude come from them being already successful?

Or, maybe these successful network marketers had the positive attitude first -- and that positive attitude propelled them to success?

You be the judge.

While it is easy to have a great attitude when you are already successful, usually the positive attitude comes first and demonstrates itself by attracting success.

How can people overcome their fear of contacting prospects?

It's a matter of desire. People usually get what they want most.

For instance, there is a choice between a good television show and attending an opportunity meeting. Some people will want to see the television show more than they want the success that comes from attending opportunity meetings with guests.

So, they watch television because they truly want that more than the long drive to hear a boring speaker at the meeting.

The same holds true when talking to people. What does a person want more?

Does this person want the calm, non-threatening day-to-day life void of rejection?

Or, does this person want prospecting success more than he desires to avoid rejection?

Sobering, isn't it? Many people say they want success, but deep down they want activities that pose a lesser challenge.

Read the Free Success Book that Tom also recommends.
