Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stupid things we say.

Q. Why don't prospects see what we see?

A. Because of what we say and what we do.

For example, when we say "financial freedom" - our prospects think an insurance salesman is approaching.

When we say "time freedom" - our prospects know we're telling a lie because nobody has any free time anymore.

When we say "residual income" - our prospects know that residual means "leftover stuff that nobody wants."

Our prospects will see the same vision that we see -- if we communicate that vision clearly. So let's not tell our prospects:

"If you work hard, you can retire in five years."

Let's describe it this way instead:

"My friend is going to college for five years to become a professional. At the end of those five years, he graduates. Then he will start his career.

Another friend is building his network marketing business for five years. At the end of those five years, instead of starting a career, he will retire."

Notice how the second example helps our prospects to see what we see?

Remember, it's what we say and what we do that makes the difference.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Does your network marketing company make you successful?

Good question.

Many new distributors in MLM think that choosing a different MLM company will make them successful. These MLM distributors think that success is "outside" of them, and that the external factors will make the difference.

But success in network marketing is an "inside job." You have to learn some skills. And if you don't have skills, changing MLM companies just means that you'll be unsuccessful in a different company. If you can't recruit now, changing companies won't fix that.

In every network marketing company there are some successful distributors, and some unsuccessful distributors. So it is not the company that makes the difference.

Learn how to prospect, learn how to sponsor, learn how to build ... that makes the difference. Then you can be successful anywhere you choose :)

Your Free Skills Book

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't Sell Features, Don't Sell Benefits

Instead, base your sales presentation on your prospect's most pressing problem. Then you'll have your prospect's attention.

For example, if you talk about the weekly bonus checks, that's a feature.

If you talk about the benefits of weekly checks (not waiting until the end of the month, getting your earnings quicker, instant gratification for work performed, etc.) - you're doing better, but it still won't rivet your prospect's attention.

Try talking about your prospect's most pressing problem. For example, you might say:

"Next Tuesday your mortgage payment is due. That could eat up most of your paycheck. Wouldn't it be nice to get a check from our company that would pay the mortgage payment for you? Then you'd have your entire paycheck to do what you want."

See the difference?

Your prospect is constantly thinking about his problems - not your benefits.

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