Friday, June 11, 2010

Opportunity - Don't Make This Mistake

There is a lie about "opportunity"
that most people have CONVINCED
themselves to be true.

They've done this, probably because
it gives them more hope, or justifies
their procrastination, or "lets them off
the hook" from taking action...

...But none the less, in the end it
could cost them more dearly than
they will ever know.

Here's why...

"You Do Not Have Unlimited Opportunities
In Your Lifetime... In Fact, You Have Far
Less Than You'd Probably Care To Believe".

Most people seriously live their life, as
if they are not one day going to DIE.

They are constantly thinking... I'll do it
"later". I'll get to it later, I'll take care of
it later, there's always "tomorrow".

And this is one of the biggest lies the
human mind tells itself.

The fact of the matter is, there's a
decent possibility tomorrow never

And what's GUARANTEED... is that
tomorrow will come faster than you
could imagine. Reflect on your own
life and how fast it's going by and
you'll already find this true.

The unfortunate thing is... most people
"Put Off" changing their lives, or taking
action, until "tomorrow".

Then tomorrow comes, and nothing is
different. Nothing has changed. It's
possible YEARS go by living like this...

...And the sad truth is most people
NEVER make the change.

Most people "put off" really making a
change in their lives so often, thinking
they'll have unlimited opportunities to
do so, that their life passes by and
they never accomplish all they wanted to.

That to me is a WASTE of human
potential. And I want to WARN YOU
of this tricky part of your mind that
will deceive you into thinking you
have "Forever" to create your success.

The truth is, you DON'T.

The truth is, if you don't get started
doing it NOW, then you are increasing
the chances every single day that goes
by that you NEVER will.

That's the truth.

And the truth be told... the time IS
now for you to make this happen.

It's not "Later". It's not "Tomorrow".
It's not "next week", it's not "After
something else happens". It's NOW.

There will never be a better time
for you to develop the skill sets,
learn the knowledge, and practice
the ACTION steps that can lead
to you creating a life of freedom in
this industry, than NOW.

Take Action Now! Here's Your Success Book

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