Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Are YOU Having FUN Yet?

FUN. Yes...Fun...and you better spend a couple minutes reading the rest of this very important message, because if you cannot figure out how to spread FUN to others, you're making FAR LESS than you could be earning.

Understand this...

We are in the business, not of just selling our products/services and recruiting people, but something MUCH greater than that.

You want to make BIG money in this business, right?
You want to make a MAJOR impact, correct?

Your answers should be YES and YES to both of those questions.

Look at what everyone does...I mean the masses. They get up Monday morning, take an hour long shower, dreading their first day of their work week and perpetuate the same thing every day, LONGING for more, but not knowing how to GET more.

We...NETWORK MARKETERS, on the other hand, have FREEDOM in the palm of our hands, have complete control of our DESTINY and can have whatever we WANT, if we are simply willing to go AFTER it.

Why? Simple.

We are all in a business that contains "the mechanics of wealth": leverage.

To me...THAT is something to be EXCITED about...THAT is something to be "jazzed" about, fired up about...and to have lots of FUN while we are doing it.

People don't want to hang out with or do business with individuals that aren't having a good time.

They get that already every single day in their jobs. They get hum-drum, same ole, boring, mundane, and blah already.

It is up to is up to ALL OF US in the profession of network marketing to PROPEL the message of FUN forward.

Fact: Most network marketers who FAIL don't have fun building their business.

Fact: Network Marketing is a JOURNEY that requires patience along the way, and it is of PARAMOUNT importance that you ENJOY the journey.

Why? Cuz if you don't, your journey will be short-lived and you're likely to go back to what you DISLIKED to begin with.

So...the BIG QUESTION then is...


Quite simply it's this. Get BETTER at what you do. The BETTER you are, the better your results will be, and the greater the satisfaction you will have.

If you HATE what you do, you're not likely to stay.
If building the business, if prospecting is a GRIND for you, you'll be out.


What we do is LEARNABLE.

The #1 Activity that makes you's LEARNABLE.

And...ANYONE, if they simply have the right TOOLS and set their MIND to it can LEARN how to get better.

The better you are, the more fun you'll have...and of course, the more money you'll be earning.

How do you FEEL when you prospect? A bit different perhaps?

You'll get got good at prospecting by following a simple, proven system.

If you could stand to get better at prospecting and would like to have more FUN doing it, then begin by downloading the Free E-Book "Success In 10 Steps"

Put more FUN and PLEASURE in your day to day activities of building your business, and really start ENJOYING the JOURNEY.

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