Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Numbers 3 And 97

Do these numbers look familiar? Between those numbers, where do you stand? We'd all like to be the 3 or at least close to it. The 97 is the number we'd like to stay away from. What are these numbers you ask? Leave a comment with your answer. So who do we market our business to? Near the greater number would be a suggestion. They seem to be the majority, but you may need to renew their hope with your help.

Start by getting them and yourself FREE MLM and Network Marketing support. A proven duplicatable system you can use to boom your business and build a solid foundation for success.

Success starts by learning the skills and passing them along to create friendships and income that will last a lifetime.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dependence Versus Independence

When we build our networking businesses, we strive for duplication.
We want to duplicate strong independent leaders who can pass on skills by using a proven duplicatable system. We can do it right and duplicate independence, or we can do it wrong and duplicate dependence.
Let’s see what happens when we promote the wrong thing - dependence …
Alice sponsors Bill and teaches him1. A website2. A conference call number3. An email address4. How to set goals
Now Bill makes a point of learning the website and the conference call and the email address but thinks that setting goals is a silly waste of time for New Agers and just gets down to work.
When Bill sponsors Carol, he teaches her1. The website2. The conference call number3. The email address
Carol likes the website and the conference call and uses them a lot, but doesn’t use the email address very much and who needs it anyway when you can just phone?
When Carol sponsors Dave, she teaches him1. The website2. The conference call number
Dave loves the website but doesn’t have a good long distance plan yet so he doesn’t use the conference calls.
When Dave sponsors Ellen he shows her1. The website
Now here is where it gets stupid …
Ellen realizes she needs an email address and calls her sponsor Dave - five minutes. Dave calls Carol for the address but Carol doesn’t have it because she didn’t need it - five minutes. Carol calls Bill for the missing address and Bill repeats it to Carol - five minutes. Carol calls Dave and gives him the address - five minutes. Dave calls Ellen and gives her the missing email address - five minutes.
Total of 25 minutes minimum of wasted time that this team could have used to build their businesses. This does not even include the time that Ellen wastes standing around on one foot waiting for Dave to get back to her, or the time Dave wastes waiting for Carol, or the time that Carol waits for Bill to get back to her. Could be hours.
Throw in the time spent discussing the weather and complaining about the government and kids and spouses, and it could be DAYS!!
Now imagine the time wasted for all when Ellen sponsors Fred, and Fred decides he’d like to set some goals. Fred calls Ellen who calls Dave who calls Carol who calls Bill who calls Alice who reminds him how to set goals so Bill can call Carol who calls Dave who calls Ellen who calls Fred. At least an hour or three here, not counting waiting time and meteorological musings. More hours wasted for all.
Wouldn’t it be better if we promoted independence?
Imagine if everyone had a duplicatable system to which they could refer before going to their sponsor or upline to answer questions already answered elsewhere.
Imagine the thousands of hours that could be saved if each distributor were truly “independent”.
Imagine the strength of your team if everyone took to heart Tom Big Al Schreiter’s question,
What is it you’d like me to do for you that you are unwilling to do for yourself?
Next time you find yourself complaining about what your team is doing or not doing, ask yourself a couple of questions:
Am I doing what I would like to see my downline doing?
Am I working on becoming the kind of person I would like to sponsor and work with?
We believe that whatever you do, you can expect to see duplicated in your downline. If you are dependent, expect a lot of questions that waste your time. If you are independent and teach that to your team, you can expect to spend a lot more of your hours in productive, business building activity.
Teach duplicatable independence, not dependence on others.
Use and develop systems that help people to save time, not waste it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Selecting A Marketing Plan

By David Cones
A lot of times we get caught up in asking ourselves, “What are other people doing out there that might be better than what I am doing?”
We work a little while on one project for a few weeks, and when we don’t see the instantaneous results we think we deserve, we are on to the next thing that will suck money out of our business, and then the next, and the next …
If you truly want to succeed at anything, you have to master one thing really well.
Look at professional football. How many players are good at all the positions? Actually none. The ones that get paid very well are good at one position. Even when they move from team to team, they play the same position.
Now what about you?
What position do you want to play and get very good at playing?
This comes down to selecting a marketing plan and following it without distraction. It is so easy on the Internet to get sucked into so many ways to market that you will soon find out you don’t have enough time in the day or money in your bank account to properly test it and find out if it actually works.
What you don’t know is that many times the majority of people promoting the concepts haven’t even used the system they promote. They just got a complimentary copy to review and send out to their lists.
So where do you want to end up at the end of the day - attempting to play the field and hoping you win the lottery or focusing in on one thing that works well and becoming a highly paid professional in your industry?
It is a simple choice to make.
The first one leaves you without much chance of success and the second one leads you to reaching your dreams. I want to encourage everyone to stay the course, pick one thing and do it well.
I love the marketing method I now use because I hate and now refuse to make cold calls to anyone unless they have come through a web page and responded to my own advertisements.
While the bright shiny objects are cool to look at, I guarantee they won’t pay the bills.
I am glad to read about the fellow who recently achieved his Diamond position. He didn’t get distracted. He just chose to follow a path that has worked.
Select your path and stay with it.
Drop out of as many email subscriptions as possible. You will be amazed at the time savings you will have when you do it!
Onward & Upward,Dave Cones
Thanks for the timely reminder, Dave!
To see part of the marketing system that Dave uses, click here.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Question We ALL Should Ask Of Any Network Marketing Company

When we take a job or a salaried position, we know what our hourly wage or our annual salary will be before we start. If we buy a business, we will have projections and reasonable estimates of income.
Why is it that when we start a home based business, we don’t even think about asking those questions? It would be like starting a job and finding out months later what we are being paid!
When we start a home based business, we should know how hard we will have to work to achieve our goals.
Michael Dlouhy has taught us to ask The 10K Question:
“How many active distributors do I need in my business to generate a walk away residual income of $10000 per month?”
We like the question for several reasons.
1. It leaves out products. We don’t get into discussions like “My long distance is better than your legal plan! My lotion is better than your potion!”
2. The word ‘active’ avoids discussion of attrition rates and the commitment levels of your team.
3. The phrase ‘walk away’ makes us investigate our policies and procedures to make sure we can actually retire and pass our business on to our children’s children. It also ensures that if we do take a break or vacation, our business will still be there when we come back, and our team will continue to be well taken care of.
4. The word ‘residual’ makes us calculate how much money we will make from retail or wholesale sales, not just from recruiting.
5. The figure of $10000 makes us think big. It’s also fair to the company, as most or all of the commissions and bonuses will have kicked in by then.
If we started a job or bought a traditional business, we would know our salary or the income projections from the previous owner. When we start a home business, however, we rarely ask that question, and we should!
We worked for five years in a business and discovered too late that it was going to be almost impossible to reach our goals. We wished we had asked the 10K question before we started.
If you do not know the answer to that question in your present business, find out before you waste five years as we did.
If you are considering starting a business, ask the question. If your sponsor or upline or company rep support cannot answer you, RUN! As Michael Dlouhy says, “Run far and run fast!”
If you’d like some help to calculate the 10K answer for your company, we will be glad to work with you. We can also help you analyze your company’s policies and procedures to see if your business is protected for you and your family.
Start by downloading the free ebook Success In 10 Steps
As soon as you download the book, we’ll contact you to show you the rest of the free training system, the audio version of Success In 10 Steps, and many archived training calls - all free and all generic.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Spring, Summer, Fall & Winter

After fall comes winter and after winter comes spring. I promise you that will never change. The next 3 to 5 years will probably be just like....... the last 3 to 5 years. Don't Hope things will change. Don't WISH things were easier. WISH you we're better. In order for things to change YOU have to change. The good news is you can start doing that today and right now. If you wish too. Some people just rock along not making much change. And that's okay. But if you want to make the next 3 to 5 years totally different than the last. You can start right now.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Your Prospect's #1 Concern

Can I Do This And Will You Help Me?
Out of all the interests and concerns that your interested business prospect has, guess where this concern places on the list. We're all out to take our opportunity to the bank with additional income. Yet the money is much farther down the list on the prospects mind. First be or find a teacher, mentor & coach.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My 2 Minute Story

This might save you a lot of grief and frustration, might not. It takes about two minutes. Do you want to hear it? Read on.............

If you could learn the skills to succeed in your business and you never had to go to work again, would that be okay with you?

In 2000, my job was outsourced and I knew I had to find something to bridge the gap between the income I was forced to accept and my expenses.

I was looking for something to replace my income, about $5000 per month.

I knew that working again with another company and facing the same circumstances with the current economy was not the answer, and that's when I discovered network marketing.

Over about seven years, I made just about all the mistakes we could make and found myself with maxed out credit cards, a remortgaged house and a bad case of the “What’s Wrong With Me’s?”

At that point, we decided to stop repeating our mistakes and we read Success in Ten Steps, started to listen to Michael Dlouhy's lessons, especially the Five Pillars to look for in a company.

I found that I had been choosing companies missing pillars, some with NO pillars!

With his help, I found a five pillar company that requires only about 250 people in my downline to generate $5000 per month instead of the 2500 or even 10000 people I would have needed in my previous businesses.

Now I don't know how to find all 250 people myself, but I now have a system I am using to find them. I figure that if I learned to drive a car, I can learn this system!

So I got thinking, which is going to be easier? To carry on making the wrong decisions and continue to waste time getting farther in debt, or learn a system that helps me achieve the success I deserve?

If you'd like me to help you the same way Michael helped me, just let me know!

Start here with my F.REE Business Skills E-book

Monday, January 5, 2009

Learn The Secret Language

What Type Of Person Are You Talking With?
With 85% of Americans looking to create some kind of additional income from home, what type of person is on the other end of that phone when you call? Sure you'd like that person to be the one that's going to spark your business and light the fire to build your business big. But is he or she coachable to fit into a duplicatable system? Some aren't and that's okay. Learn to recognize and work with a rainbow of people to build a solid business foundation for your business.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

5 Key Factors For Your Business Success

5 Key Factors For You To Be Very Successful In Your Business

Great Attitude
Strong Belief
Set Some Goals
Get Motivated
Be Positive

If you have those five elements, you'll be very successful.

What's that you say? You have all those or did and you're still not?
That's because you need skills.
You need to know,
What to say and what to do and then it becomes automatic.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Learn How To Market Your Business Right For More Additional Income

Marketing your business right is key to saving you years of failure frustration, not to mention the money you may spend testing the market. Following a proven path from experienced leaders who are willing to help you is the answer. Before spending valuable time and money testing your efforts, get the advice and successful methods from people who have already tested the waters. It will put you on a faster track to success.