Monday, June 28, 2010

The Fall Of A Leader

When a great leader falls because of a lack of integrity, it is
very painful for all involved. Tearing another person down to
build yourself up, only leads to a false impression of yourself.

When someone is tearing others down in front of You this is
a guarantee they will do the same to You behind Your back.
Ultimately you will crash and burn from your lack of character.

The question is:

Would You Want This Person As Your Sponsor ?

Life can give us challenges in many areas of our life. How we
handle those challenges ourselves and who helps us, can
determine our success or failure. Loyalty to do the right thing
enters into all decisions. Friendships built on loyalty and trust
are like support beams for a foundation.

A foundation is the beginning. This applies to your marriage,
your friendships, your home and your business. If you build
them correctly, they will sustain you your lifetime. If you
build carelessly everything will crumble around you.

Leaders are built. Day by day, Lesson by lesson. When a
leader chooses to fall, they sacrifice their integrity, their
honor and their character.

If after knowing the facts and fully utilizing their "critical
thinking skills" when someone decides to leave Your Team
please wish them all the best.

Excerpt from "Launching a Leadership Revolution"
Foundational Leadership Quality: Honorable

Integrity can be considered as the condition of "not doing
what's wrong." Character can be defined as doing the right
things, for the mere reason that it is the right thing, even if
that thing is difficult and unpopular.

The two sewn together make honor. Author Jeff O'Leary,
in The Centurion Principles, writes, " 'Honor' encompasses
the virtues of integrity and honesty, self-denial, loyalty, and
a servant's humility to those in authority above as well as a
just and merciful heart to those below."

Honor is such a rarely used word in our times that it seems
a little old-fashioned. But living a life of integrity and character
is timeless and, for a leader, absolutely necessary. It's about
choices, and a person's choices in life follow him to the grave.

Is this to say that a person needs to be perfect to become a
leader? Of course not. Perfection in this life is not possible,
and we, the authors, are certainly not exceptions. However,
a leader must strive continually toward perfection even though
she knows she can never exactly attain it.

It is a question of the heart. The most effective leaders through
out history have led with their hearts, in trust, and with honor.
If a leader cuts corners, misuses people, or misrepresents, the
truth, a time bomb begins ticking. Someday, somewhere, the
bomb will go off. It is obvious in our times only too often: public
figures at the pinnacles of power and fame crash and burn in
the cloud of self-inflicted shame. From political scandals to
high-profile corporate frauds, these calamities are brought
on by a lack of honor in the leadership.

"Human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected."

The difference between leaders we revile and those we praise
is their individual level of honor. In fact, honor is the force that
holds a leader's hunger in check.

Without honor, hunger runs rampant and ultimately serves
only selfish interests. Honor is the component that makes
hunger productive for the leader's fellow man. In fact, what
we are basically describing here is another "old-fashioned"
word: duty.

George Washington said of duty, "Human happiness and
moral duty are inseparably connected." So leadership is
spawned by hunger and held in check by honor.

Under that combination, leaders will find happiness in the
fulfillment of their duty to others. It has been said that the
character of a man is the only thing that will walk back
from the grave into the hearts of the people who knew him.

That is the legacy of a leader. The words a leader say and
the walk a leader walks must match. As the saying goes,
"Your word is your worth and your worth is your word."

Andy Stanley, author of The Next Generation Leader, says,
"To become a leader worth following you must give time and
attention to the inner man.

To leave a legacy that goes beyond accomplishment alone,
a leader must devote himself to matters of the heart."
Character is developed in the valleys and the peaks of life,
enabling a person to overcome obstacles and deal with

Abraham Lincoln observed, "Nearly all men can handle
adversity, but if you really want to test a man's character -
give him power." Character connects a person to what is
right and true.

If reputation is what others think of you, then character is
what God knows about you. This concept of honor is so
important to a leader because people will follow a leader
only as far as they feel they can trust him.

People will not follow a leader they can't trust. According
to R. Ruth Barton, "We set young leaders up for a fall if
we encourage them to envision what they can do before
they consider the kind of person they should be.

" Warren Bennis tells us, "In the leadership arena,
character counts. I am not saying this casually, of studies,
observations, and interviews with leaders and with the
people near them.... I've never seen a person derailed
from [leadership] positions for lack of technical competence.

But I've seen lots of people derailed for lack of judgment
and character." And, as Heraclitus said, "Man's character
is his fate." Finally, it should be remembered that a major
component of honor is personal courage.

Without the courage to do what's right because it's right,
regardless of ramifications to self, one is not truly worthy
to be called a leader.

When people don't "Believe" they deserve Success they
will self destruct every time.... This is the reason we tell
everyone we meet to "Participate" in the 30 Day Mental
Cleanse if You want to own Your life.
To find out more about the 30 Day Mental Cleanse
and much more, download your Free Success Book today!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Opportunity - Don't Make This Mistake

There is a lie about "opportunity"
that most people have CONVINCED
themselves to be true.

They've done this, probably because
it gives them more hope, or justifies
their procrastination, or "lets them off
the hook" from taking action...

...But none the less, in the end it
could cost them more dearly than
they will ever know.

Here's why...

"You Do Not Have Unlimited Opportunities
In Your Lifetime... In Fact, You Have Far
Less Than You'd Probably Care To Believe".

Most people seriously live their life, as
if they are not one day going to DIE.

They are constantly thinking... I'll do it
"later". I'll get to it later, I'll take care of
it later, there's always "tomorrow".

And this is one of the biggest lies the
human mind tells itself.

The fact of the matter is, there's a
decent possibility tomorrow never

And what's GUARANTEED... is that
tomorrow will come faster than you
could imagine. Reflect on your own
life and how fast it's going by and
you'll already find this true.

The unfortunate thing is... most people
"Put Off" changing their lives, or taking
action, until "tomorrow".

Then tomorrow comes, and nothing is
different. Nothing has changed. It's
possible YEARS go by living like this...

...And the sad truth is most people
NEVER make the change.

Most people "put off" really making a
change in their lives so often, thinking
they'll have unlimited opportunities to
do so, that their life passes by and
they never accomplish all they wanted to.

That to me is a WASTE of human
potential. And I want to WARN YOU
of this tricky part of your mind that
will deceive you into thinking you
have "Forever" to create your success.

The truth is, you DON'T.

The truth is, if you don't get started
doing it NOW, then you are increasing
the chances every single day that goes
by that you NEVER will.

That's the truth.

And the truth be told... the time IS
now for you to make this happen.

It's not "Later". It's not "Tomorrow".
It's not "next week", it's not "After
something else happens". It's NOW.

There will never be a better time
for you to develop the skill sets,
learn the knowledge, and practice
the ACTION steps that can lead
to you creating a life of freedom in
this industry, than NOW.

Take Action Now! Here's Your Success Book

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Answer Is Less Than One

Think back on the last three programs you joined. How dependable were those who were in leadership? Were they there for you? Would they have been willing to help you even if you were not making them a dime? Think hard.

Time's up. I can almost bet what your number was. For most people it is usually less than one. Why is that? What is it about leaders in this industry who only want to help you when they know they will benefit first?

Here are some great insights that have discovered from Success In Ten Steps. Stories you will not want to over look. To read the stories, go to:

Mentoring For Free

Are You ready to plug into trainings where the leadership is dependable regardless of how it will benefit them? Does this sound like the type of group you want to be part of?

Success In Ten Steps offers so many additional insights that most training out there does not have to offer. Those who have read and applied the concepts are seeing changes in many areas of their lives. However, if you haven't read the eBook yet, I want to give you that link so you can download, print and read it today.

Your Free Copy Is Here - Success In 10 Steps

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Are YOU Having FUN Yet?

FUN. Yes...Fun...and you better spend a couple minutes reading the rest of this very important message, because if you cannot figure out how to spread FUN to others, you're making FAR LESS than you could be earning.

Understand this...

We are in the business, not of just selling our products/services and recruiting people, but something MUCH greater than that.

You want to make BIG money in this business, right?
You want to make a MAJOR impact, correct?

Your answers should be YES and YES to both of those questions.

Look at what everyone does...I mean the masses. They get up Monday morning, take an hour long shower, dreading their first day of their work week and perpetuate the same thing every day, LONGING for more, but not knowing how to GET more.

We...NETWORK MARKETERS, on the other hand, have FREEDOM in the palm of our hands, have complete control of our DESTINY and can have whatever we WANT, if we are simply willing to go AFTER it.

Why? Simple.

We are all in a business that contains "the mechanics of wealth": leverage.

To me...THAT is something to be EXCITED about...THAT is something to be "jazzed" about, fired up about...and to have lots of FUN while we are doing it.

People don't want to hang out with or do business with individuals that aren't having a good time.

They get that already every single day in their jobs. They get hum-drum, same ole, boring, mundane, and blah already.

It is up to is up to ALL OF US in the profession of network marketing to PROPEL the message of FUN forward.

Fact: Most network marketers who FAIL don't have fun building their business.

Fact: Network Marketing is a JOURNEY that requires patience along the way, and it is of PARAMOUNT importance that you ENJOY the journey.

Why? Cuz if you don't, your journey will be short-lived and you're likely to go back to what you DISLIKED to begin with.

So...the BIG QUESTION then is...


Quite simply it's this. Get BETTER at what you do. The BETTER you are, the better your results will be, and the greater the satisfaction you will have.

If you HATE what you do, you're not likely to stay.
If building the business, if prospecting is a GRIND for you, you'll be out.


What we do is LEARNABLE.

The #1 Activity that makes you's LEARNABLE.

And...ANYONE, if they simply have the right TOOLS and set their MIND to it can LEARN how to get better.

The better you are, the more fun you'll have...and of course, the more money you'll be earning.

How do you FEEL when you prospect? A bit different perhaps?

You'll get got good at prospecting by following a simple, proven system.

If you could stand to get better at prospecting and would like to have more FUN doing it, then begin by downloading the Free E-Book "Success In 10 Steps"

Put more FUN and PLEASURE in your day to day activities of building your business, and really start ENJOYING the JOURNEY.